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Thursday, November 11, 2010

You Bully Me, I Bully You

Bully noun
1 a person who teases, threatens, or hurts smaller or weaker persons
As I googled the meaning of the word, I recalled reading in the news how some celebrities share their stories of being bullied sometime in their childhood and in that way reaching out to the smaller people ("us") and make the world a better place.

It's great that they open up to the public and show us that they were once regular individuals, capable of being hurt and belittled (or until now since they are almost always the topics of tabloids, blind items and targets of paparazzis).

Saturday, November 6, 2010

The "Thank You" Speech that could save my epic fail

It was probably the last speech I'll ever going to give but I sucked really bad. I did had my thoughts collected for that moment but when my time came to shine, my mind went black, my speech was sloppy and it was humiliating. And so, I take this opportunity to write down what I wanted to say as a thank you for coming to our better grammar, I hope. Hahaha...Here goes...

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Teleconfused no more

The Philippines is known as the texting capital in the world and the country with millions of mobile phone users. With that, I get confused in distinguishing one telecom from the other with regards to prefixes in cellphone numbers.  It becomes a bother when it takes time to know if I can use my telecom's promo with a certain number.